An enduring power of attorney is a document that allows the creator, today, when their medical condition is stable, to determine how they will be treated and how their property will be managed in the future when they are no longer able to handle their affairs.
Due to an unforeseen event, our ability to continue managing our affairs according to our wishes and worldview may be taken away, and in the absence of an enduring power of attorney, the person appointed to handle those affairs will not necessarily be the one we would have chosen if it were a controlled action, and they might not act according to our instructions.
An enduring power of attorney allows us to decide when the power of attorney will be activated and to choose who will handle our affairs, provide them with instructions and guidelines on how to do so, and establish measures to ensure the implementation of our directives and control mechanisms that will ensure our property, personal, and medical affairs are managed according to our wishes. This includes appointing multiple people to handle different matters and determining the decision-making process among them.
Within the framework of an enduring power of attorney, it is possible to create a comprehensive system that enables decision-making and continuous management without causing harm to the appointer or their family, and without being subjected to the whims of a legally appointed guardian, even if they are a family member. This ensures peace of mind that in the event of an incident, their property, personal, and medical future is entrusted to a loyal representative of their choice.